domain-driven design

Stop Pretending To Do Domain-Driven Design

It doesn’t matter how many entities, aggregates, factories, services, and repositories you have. That’s not domain-driven design.

domain-driven design

Domain Modeling Heuristics #1: I See Users Everywhere!

The mistake we software developers often make is to make a shared model for our entire system to use. Software developers are addicted to code reuse. However, it’s at the cost of not isolating our domain models and establishing boundaries.

domain-driven design

Domain-Driven Design & Unit Tests

Do you struggle to create helpful unit tests? DDD can help drive your code to be expressive and modular – perfect for unit testing!

Architecture domain-driven design

DDD Aggregates: Optimistic Concurrency

What happens when multiple users of your system try to operate on the same piece at the “same” time? Who wins? Who loses? This article will explain how to tackle these kinds of problems!

domain-driven design

DDD Aggregates: Consistency Boundary

We often have business rules in our software that span multiple objects. We can also have objects having high contention. How do we manage that?

domain-driven design

DDD & Data Modelling: How Do I Persist Aggregates?

Confused about how your DDD aggregates should be persisted? What are the trade-offs? What are the options?

domain-driven design

What Are Domain-Driven Design Aggregates?

Aggregates are one of the most misunderstood concepts in domain-driven design. Is it just a clump of entities & objects? Or something more?

domain-driven design

How Domain-Driven Design Can Help Your Tech Business During Economic Decline

When faced with an economic decline, how do you prioritize work for your tech business? Come explore how to figure out what to focus on!