
Database Indexing For Web Developers

You’re building a growing SaaS application. Your pages, reports, email notifications, etc. are starting to get slow. Why? Because of indexes.

.NET Architecture

.NET Architecture: How To Structure Your Solutions

How should you design the structure of your .NET solutions? Microservices? Monolith? Feature folders? Clean architecture? Shared databases?

Event Sourcing

Mastering Eventual Consistency With Event Sourcing

Event sourcing doesn’t necessitate introducing eventual consistency. I lay out some patterns and techniques to help sort this out!


Clean Architecture Disadvantages

Clean architecture is a common approach to designing software systems. However, there are some issues that might cause you more harm than good…

Architecture Refactoring Legacy Software Modernization

Software Modernization: What Is It?

What is software modernization? Is it about upgrading your software to the next hyped-up technology? Or is it something more? Come find out!

Architecture Microservices

What Is A Microservice Architecture?

Are you considering adopting a microservices architecture? Won’t it fix all your problems? Join me for a look into the realities of microservices!